Ballistic missiles ‘from Iran’ strike Iraqi city of Erbil

Ballistic missiles ‘from Iran’ strike Iraqi city of Erbil

During the night from Saturday to Sunday, the northern Iraqi city of Erbil was hit by 12 ballistic missiles that were “targeted at the American consulate”, according to Kurdish security forces. The Wall Street Journal writes on the basis of a US government official that Iran is behind the attack.

According to the Kurdish security forces, the nighttime attack was carried out “from outside Iraq, from the east to be precise.” Iran is east of Iraq. The governor of the Kurdish region in Iraq confirms the attack on Erbil, but does not want to say anything about its origin. There were no casualties, according to the Ministry of Health.

There is a United States consulate in Erbil, but American sources do not confirm that this diplomatic post was the target of the attack. Correspondents from, among others, the French news agency AFP report that explosions sounded in Erbil. The building where the Kurdistan24 transmitter is housed is also said to have been damaged.

A US government official confirmed to Reuters news agency that no US soldiers were killed as a result of the missile attack. The consulate and US bases were also not damaged.

There are approximately 2,500 US troops in Iraq. The Dutch army is also present in Iraq with 175 soldiers, including for the security of the military part of the international airport of Erbil.

Last week, two elite military members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps were killed in an Israeli attack in Syria, according to Iran. The Revolutionary Guards official website then stated: “The Zionist regime (Israel) will pay for this crime.”
