Bahnrad-DM: Hinze and Dörnbach secure the titles in the time trial

Status: 06/17/2022 8:56 p.m

Emma Hinze and Maximilian Dörnbach from RSC Cottbus secured the time trial titles at the German track cycling championships in Kaarst-Büttgen.

Hinze was over 500 meters in 33.519 seconds faster than world champion Lea Sophie Friedrich (34.015). However, Hinze’s club and training colleague struggled with insufficient air pressure on the time trial bike. “I haven’t competed in this discipline for three years, but my trainer said that if I can start, I can survive the second lap.”, said Hinze after her victory. Third place went to Pauline Grabosch (Theed Project Cycling/34.234).

Surprise by Isabel Fighter

Dörnbach won the men’s 1,000 meter time trial. “I didn’t think I’d set a personal best on this track, so I’m super happy”said the German champion, who won in 1:00.012 minutes ahead of Willy Weinrich (TSV Breitenworbis/1:01.471) and Anton Höhne from Cottbus (1:01.561).

In the women’s elimination round, Isabel Kaempfert from RV Stuttgart surprisingly prevailed. In the scratch, team pursuit world champion Laura üßmilch (Seerose Friedrichshafen) was the strongest driver. Tim-Torn Teutenberg won his third title in Büttgen. After his successes in the scratch and elimination race, the Rhinelander also won the points race.
