Baerbock demands compulsory vaccination for everyone – but Brandenburg wants exceptions

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (41, Greens) is calling for everyone to be vaccinated. To reduce the burden on clinical staff.

But Brandenburg’s Health Minister Ursula Nonnemacher (64, Greens) wants to allow exceptions, especially for nurses and nurses.

While the Ukraine fears for war and peace, Germany’s chief diplomat visited the Ludwigsfeld hospital yesterday with her party friend from Potsdam. Because it is in Baerbock’s constituency – and Nonnemacher urgently needs support.

In mid-March, the Minister of Health in Brandenburg must enforce compulsory vaccination in medicine and care. “But it won’t be enough,” said Baerbock. “We need general vaccination in Germany so that we can protect everyone who has done everything they can to maintain the health system for two years.”

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►Giffey: Moving away from compulsory vaccination for health professionals without solidarity

►Justice Senator Kreck not yet determined when it comes to compulsory corona vaccination

Nonnemacher also demands this – but it becomes difficult even with the hospital and nursing staff. With a decree, she now wants to instruct the health authorities. The draft (available from the BZ) plans a vaccination register for all those affected by the end of March. Then the authorities should check whether the supply security of the clinics and nursing services is secured.

If there is a lack of staff, “no ban on activities” should be imposed on the unvaccinated. This applies to the emergency services, for example. And even if the supply is secured, only those who have been vaccinated once or who have been spiked with a Chinese or Russian vaccine are allowed to stay.

All other unvaccinated still get requests, offers, hearings and a 3-week period. A health department head: “This means that vaccination will only take effect in May.”


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