Ayuso assures that he has “no national aspiration” and that Casado is “united” by anti-sanchismo

Jan 10, 2022 at 8:41 PM


Pilar Santos

This Monday morning’s photograph of Isabel Díaz Ayuso arriving with Teodoro Garcia Egea to a conference in Madrid has helped to stage the new phase in which the internal crisis of PP, which is that of dissimulation, that of avoiding the shock in public and showing unity because on February 13 there are elections in Castilla y León. However, the problem is still there. Ayuso wants to preside over the game in Madrid as soon as possible, but the party’s leader, Pablo Casado, refuses to grant her that wish and has not wanted to advance the primaries as she has asked him time and time again. The fear of the maximum leader of the popular is that she gathers too much power and could become a danger. You must not believe her when she says that she would never move her chair. This Monday night he said it again on Cadena Ser: “I don’t have any national aspirations, everyone knows that. I have just arrived in the Community of Madrid and with that I have enough “.

The journalist has asked her if in the conversation that this Monday it was known that she had with Casado to congratulate themselves on the holidays, they agreed to lower the pitch until after the February elections. “It is not a date, not a month”, The Madrid leader answered before starting to charge against Pedro Sánchez and his partners. “We are in the hands of a government that is highly detrimental to the interests of all Spaniards (…) It is breaking all the bridges of transition, it is feeding the separatism, ruining the coexistence in Catalonia, has caused great damage with the pardons … “, he continued before concluding that” all that “is what” unites “Casado.” Spain cannot continue one more minute in the hands of this Government and its partners. What we do in our inner heart is nothing compared to the challenge that we have ahead “, has declared trying to avoid the questions on the internal crisis of the popular ones.

Ayuso has supported the ‘no’ of the PP leader to the labor reform, despite the fact that the FAES foundation of José María Aznar considers that it does not repeal the one approved by Mariano Rajoy in 2012 and consolidates the lower cost of dismissal. According to the head of the Madrid Executive, Sánchez has made this reform “to please Bildu.” Despite this statement, the Basque independence force has shown its rejection of the decree-law and, at least for now, he assures that he will vote against.


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