Austria obliges FFP2 mouth mask also in open air | Abroad

The number of new infections per day in the country of 8.9 million inhabitants rose to almost 10,000 on Wednesday, from about 3,000 at the beginning of January.

The FFP2 mask, which is already mandatory in Austria on public transport and indoors in public areas, will also become mandatory on the street from next week, especially if it is not possible to keep 2 meters away, for example in a queue or pedestrian zone. The mask fits closer to the face and filters better than the surgical mask.

Furthermore, checks on the vaccination pass are being stepped up, while the quarantine rules for covid patients and their families are being relaxed to prevent the country’s economy from coming to a standstill.

The head of government did not rule out a new lockdown if the situation in the hospitals deteriorated. The latest lockdown ended on December 12 for those who have been vaccinated. The unvaccinated still have to stay indoors.


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