Australia cancels Djokovic’s visa

There have been no surprises and as the Australian press had pointed out on Thursday, the Oceanic country’s Minister of Immigration, alex hawke, has canceled Novak Djokovic’s visa, the number one in world tennis to contribute one more chapter, which although it seems definitive, will not be the last in the bizarre history of the Serbian player’s presence in Melbourne.

the minister hawke, under Australian law, had the personal power to cancel the visa of Djokovic. And this was what all the Australian estates consulted by the local press had pointed out on Thursday. Any other ministerial determination would have been a huge surprise.

In fact, according to the Melbourne newspaper ‘The Age’, the lawyers of Djokovic They are already preparing an appeal, which is expected to be presented at any time so that a quick trial can be held, which would take place this weekend.

The Australian Open

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Now a response from the organizers of the Australian Open is awaited. In Melbourne the afternoon is late but the lawyers hired by Djokovic They work in a hurry not to delay the judicial process. Apparently, the team of lawyers received the government documentation just five minutes after the official communication.

The newspaper ‘The Age’ has reported that, at the moment, the possibility of arresting the tennis player and driving him back to the Melbourne hotel, converted into a detention center for people without valid papers, is being studied, waiting to be deportee. If you do not fast-track your appeal, in addition, Djokovic he would have to leave Australia in the next few hours with a ban on returning to the country for the next three years. In other words, he could not play the Australian Open again, the first Grand Slam of the tennis season, until 2025, when the Serbian would already be 37 years old.



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