Atalanta, Malinovskyi paints football: the background with Conte and that attempt by Milan… | First page

Everyone is crazy about Malinovskyi. Because the goal he scored against Juventus reconciles with the game of football. An almost remote-controlled left missile that finished its run to the right of a Szczesny who couldn’t help but watch the ball enter the net. Ruslan has accustomed the Atalanta fans to incredible solutions in the most difficult moments and in the Old Lady he finds his favorite victim in Serie A: he has scored three goals for the Bianconeri, all as a substitute.

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THE BACKSCENE WITH INTER AND AC MILAN- Ruslan is experiencing an exciting season with his 7 goals and 3 assists in all competitions. At the age of 28, the Ukrainian international has reached a technical maturity that elevates him to a top-tier player. Malinovskyi is very much liked by the sporting director of Inter Ausilio, there has been some chat in the past but never resulted in a real negotiation despite the excellent relations with Atalanta. Conte would have struggled to find him a place in his 3-5-2 and this is the real reason why the satisfaction remained an end in itself. Last summer also the Milan had thought about Malinovskyi for the post-Calhanoglu but no encouraging signs had arrived from Bergamo for a sale to what is considered a direct competitor for a place in the Champions League. This is how Ruslan remained in the Nerazzurri, he continues to paint football and could soon renew the contract expiring in 2023.


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