Atalanta-Juve, Allegri fasting against the big teams this year

But there is one fact that consoles the Bianconeri: if Max has never won with the best, between now and the end of the season he has only one Champions League opponent left to challenge.

First, don’t take them. When Juve played better in terms of play and aesthetics in the clashes at the top, they ended up losing against Napoli in the first leg decimated by absences and with Atalanta at the Stadium when only the goal was missing, or at most to draw as on the way to San Siro. And this time in Bergamo up to 91’37 “he was losing, and it would have been a result that would have had very little right to frame a performance in which he certainly risked taking them, but he also produced a lot, like perhaps the enthusiast. Juventus was not used to seeing this year. Then you sum up and the figure is severe: in seven direct clashes against rivals for the Champions League, Juventus have never won this year.


For most of the season Allegri talked about the points lost with the small teams like those they determined in the Juventus standings, but after six months of the season it is this data on the big matches that tells us where that 9-point gap largely comes from. Milan, 8 from Inter who have one game less, 7 from Naples, and also the fact that the Champions area at the moment is only virtual, because Atalanta is -2 but also with one game less. The detail before the evening at the Gewiss Stadium: defeat in Naples and at home with Atalanta, equal to the first leg with Milan, at Inter (also last minute) and at the return with Napoli and Milan.


It does not take an elephant’s memory to remember that the last two direct clashes were the ones that, without losing, had left the most bitter taste in the mouth: the equal against Napoli returning from the Christmas break for the lost opportunity against a team full of absences and not in its best moment, and the one at San Siro against Milan practically without playing and taking the field to not lose, but to be honest it is the history of the championship that tells how important it was not to be defeated that day to leave a flame burning which then caught fire a few days later with the market hits Vlahovic and Zakaria.


The difference in Bergamo is all here: the same profit (draw) and the same points in the standings (one) as three weeks ago at AC Milan, to determine a different score (1-1 instead of 0-0) were two inactive balls , but a test with a totally opposite impact. To be photographed more as a visual test than with numbers, but in part it gives an idea of ​​the number of shots: six of which zero on goal with Milan, fourteen of which you are in the mirror with Atalanta. In Bergamo after less than twenty minutes he had already had at least four scoring, more or less close to be exploited. To say that we went back to a few weeks ago, when it was said that Juve did not score for what they produced, would be premature: with someone like Vlahovic in the team, thinking that it could become pathological, produce less than what they produced, is hard to believe.


The last point is given by the calendar, because the data on head-to-head matches also gives a valid argument for the glass to be half full: from now to the end of the season, in the last thirteen games, only one remains against one of the teams fighting for the Champions area, on 3 April against Inter. For the rest, only matches against teams that are further behind in the standings. Those against which Juventus have found their way from November onwards, losing only one match of the last 14 (with Atalanta). And, for the difference with the 5 points in 7 games against the teams in the Champions League fight (0.71 points on average), they are the same commitments in which Juve scored 40 points in 18 games (2.22 per game), which would be a scudetto racing gear. Now we have to carry it out, until the end.


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