Assen wants to speed up action plan for the leisure sector

The city council in Assen is positive about the ‘leisure economy action plan’. With this plan, which requires 700,000 euros, the leisure sector in the city should be given a boost.

The aim of the plan is a more recognizable leisure sector and more mutual cooperation between entrepreneurs. To realize this, an external ‘booster’ is appointed. A collaboration with NHL Stenden is also being looked into, so that courses in Assen can be followed that are in line with the leisure sector.

Beautiful but tough

Alderman Bob Bergsma (D66) spoke of a “nice, but tough process” in the run-up to the present action plan. “Previous attempts have often ended in the drawer. It is very important for the sector to get started quickly.”

The councilor needs 700,000 euros for the plan. The entrepreneurs in the leisure sector then contribute by aligning themselves with the action plan. “Our investment could lead to the sector itself investing,” Bergsma hopes.


Party chairman Jannie Drenthe of the SP mainly hopes that the leisure sector will remain affordable for all Assen residents. As an example, she gave the, in her view, high entrance fee that is required at Asser swimming pools. “Recently I lost 27 euros for a morning of swimming with two small children,” she sketched.

Bergsma indicated that he sees this as a point of attention. He also promised that the 700,000 euros that are now being asked for the leisure sector will not be financed by an increase in the tourist tax.

Employee Pool

There are also personnel concerns. For example, city center director Kjeld Vosjan van Vaart in Assen (ViA) is concerned about the difficulty with which entrepreneurs manage to retain staff. “Preserving employment is crucial for a good leisure sector,” he said.

An employee pool, from which several entrepreneurs can draw, might help, according to Vosjan. “Then you can also give employees who work 20 hours at one company hours elsewhere”, Vosjan suggested. This should make it more attractive to continue working in and around Assen.

Next Thursday, the Assen city council will make a final decision on the action plan for the leisure sector for the coming years.


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