Are Russians interested in covid status on the first date?

Well-known insurance companies conducted a study to find out if Russians are interested in covid status on a first date. It turned out that 83 percent would not require a negative test for coronavirus or proof of vaccination.

Of these, 44 percent believe that it is indecent, 23 percent will not do it because they are not afraid to get sick, and 16 percent of those surveyed have a vaccination certificate, which allows them not to ask their partner about covid status.

However, the Russians still became more attentive to this issue. Over the year, the proportion of those who ask their partner for a negative covid test or vaccination certificate on their first date has almost doubled, from 10 percent to 18 percent. RIA News with reference to the results of the study.

At the same time, every ninth respondent will do this, because otherwise it is impossible to invite a partner on a date to a restaurant, cafe, theatre or cinema, and 7 per cent for health reasons.


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