April does what it wants: coldest April 3 ever measured

Does the rest of the week have even more record cold in store for us?

Coldest April 3rd ever

The last record cold on April 3 dates from 1909, reports Weatheronline† Then the temperature dropped to -5.5 degrees in Winterswijk. Tonight, -6.3 degrees was measured at the measuring point in Deelen (Gelderland). Also in Eelde, Enschede, Hupsel, Herwijnen, Volkel and Eindhoven it froze between 5 and 6 degrees below 0. In De Bilt, the indicator of the average weather in the Netherlands, there was no record: it was not there. colder than -4.8 degrees.

Skating on the coldest April 3

Due to the record cold, it was even possible to skate on natural ice in Winterswijk this morning. “And it even snows. As far as we know, this has never happened so late in the year,” the chairman of the Winterswijk Ice Cream Association said to the newspaper. RTL News

After frost comes clouds and rain

It is not surprising that it is still freezing in April. April does what he wants, the saying goes. Frost is expected next night, but Weatheronline predicts: “The cold nights will disappear next week. This will be replaced by a lot of clouds and regular rain.”

Warmer spring than usual

Unfortunately, not yet the warm spring weather that we have enjoyed so much lately, but hopefully that will not be long in coming. Weer.nl recently predicted that there is a good chance we will have a “warmer than usual spring” this year. Come on!

Are your plants suffering from the cold? Farmer Tom tells you how to recognize frost damage in your plants and what you can do best:

Source: WeatheronlineWeer.nlRTL News

Apr 3, 2022
