Apple fined 5 million euros for demands on dating apps

Apple still does not meet the requirements of the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) to allow multiple payment methods for dating apps such as Tinder. That reports the competition authority Monday. For every week that Apple does not follow the rules, the company has to pay 5 million euros, with a maximum of 50 million euros.

A week ago, Apple announced that it had made changes to the App Store, its download store. The reason was a warning from the ACM, which concluded in December that Apple uses “unreasonable conditions”. At the risk of a weekly fine of millions, Apple claimed to have adjusted the rules. Dating apps were no longer obliged to use Apple’s payment system and could send an invoice to their customers with iPhones.

However, according to the ACM, the steps that have been taken are insufficient. For example, Apple has not adjusted its conditions, so that providers of dating apps are still unable to use alternative payment systems. The fact that payment can only be made via the Apple cash register limits the freedom of choice of both providers and users of dating apps.

Because Apple has not met the requirements of the ACM before January 15, the company must pay the first penalty of 5 million euros. If Apple defaults, that amount will be increased by the same amount every week. Apple has not yet commented on the decision.


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