Answers to all your questions about the Tasty in your skin challenge | Feeling good in your skin challenge

Why is there no meat in the weekly menus?

Doctor Tamara: “Eating less meat is good for your health, the environment and animal welfare. We want to show that you can also prepare a tasty and healthy meal without meat. If you do need a piece of meat, you can simply add it to a dish. Preferably no red meat, but unprocessed chicken or poultry. Red meat increases the risk of colon cancer and cardiovascular disease.”

Do I have to take supplements because there is no meat in the weekly menus?

Doctor Tamara: “No, absolutely not. If you eat vegan you should take vitamin B12. This only occurs in animal products. The weekly menus contain sufficient animal products that contain vitamin B12. Think of dairy, eggs and fish. If you follow the recipes you will not be short of anything.”

Where can I buy low carb noodles and pasta?

Doctor Tamara: “You can find these in all supermarkets. You can often buy this in health food stores as well. If you don’t see it on the shelves, you can ask the supermarket manager. He or she can then easily order this for you. But in general, supermarkets sell cauliflower or broccoli rice, zucchini spaghetti or pumpkin lasagna sheets. You can also make your own low-carb lasagne sheets by cutting zucchini or eggplant into very thin slices.”

Do I have to follow the weekly menus at all?

Doctor Tamara: “No, you don’t have to. You can give it your own twist. If you don’t have time in the morning to make breakfast from the weekly menu, you can opt for an easier breakfast. Think, for example, of Greek yogurt 10%, full-fat yogurt or cottage cheese with nuts and fruit. Choose fruit that is lower in sugars such as apple, kiwi, strawberries or blueberries. Do you not have much time to stand in the kitchen during lunch? Then choose, for example, low-carb crackers with toppings. You can think of Wasa crackers high in fiber, Tasty Basics crackers and Fjord crackers. Make sure you top the crackers generously, for example with a boiled egg, peanut butter, cheese or hummus. Only chicken fillet or smoked meat as a topping is very lean. And eat some snack vegetables such as tomatoes or carrots for lunch.”

Since I joined the challenge I have been suffering from stomachaches and headaches. How is this possible?

Doctor Tamara: “It can take a while for your gut to get used to a change in your diet. Keep a close eye on whether the complaints go away. There may be certain products that you are less resistant to. Headaches can also be a result of a change in your diet. The complaints should pass after a week to a week and a half. Otherwise, I recommend that you go to the doctor. Drinking too little is also a common cause of headaches. Make sure you drink enough.”

Do you have any tips for drinking more water?

Doctor Tamara: “It can help to always have a bottle of water next to you. Make a promise to yourself to fill it two to three times a day. Another tip is to immediately refill your bottle or glass as soon as it is empty. It is important to drink enough water or tea.”

I am nauseous and limp between meals. What can I do about it?

Doctor Tamara: „It may be that your meal is not enough for you or that it is too much. Portions are measured for an average person, but your needs may be different. Be your own researcher, see what suits you.”

How do I choose a good alternative if I don’t like an ingredient?

Doctor Tamara: “That depends on the ingredient for which you are looking for an alternative. In some recipes, an ingredient determines the flavor of the dish. Then it can be difficult to replace this ingredient. You could then make a larger portion of another dish that you do like and eat it for two days. You can keep the dishes in the fridge for about three days. You can simply replace an ingredient that is more of an addition to the dish. For example, if you don’t like nuts, you can replace them with products that also contain fats and proteins. For example, think of egg, cheese or olive oil.”

I haven’t lost or even gained any weight since I entered the challenge. How do I deal with this disappointment?

Doctor Tamara: “Your weight isn’t everything. Your body always has to get used to adjustments in your diet. It may be that you retain a little more fluid and are therefore a bit heavier. This does not have to mean fat gain. Your weight fluctuates daily. If you only weigh once a week, it can give a distorted picture. This can be very demotivating. You can choose to weigh yourself several times a week and take an average. You then compare the averages per week. Menopause can also affect weight loss. If you are in or after the menopause, losing weight can take a little longer. Give it time.

Also feel free to adjust the portions. The weekly menus are around 1750 kcal per day. An adult woman needs an average of 2000 kcal. So you could lose weight with this 250 kcal deficit. But it is also important to look at your own lifestyle and whether this amount is appropriate. You can increase or decrease the portions.”

Is your question not listed? Then we may have already answered these in the previous article. The most frequently asked questions from last week can be found here!


Our Tasty in your skin challenge will also be free in 2022 and available to everyone. Do you want to join us? Then go to the Nice in your skin page of VROUW or search Facebook for WOMAN Comfortable in your own skin challenge 2022. You can sign up for the private Facebook group there. And after signing up for the WOMAN Newsletter (check WOMAN Daily and WOMAN Weekly) you won’t miss anything anymore.

Have you prepared one of our recipes? Then we would love it if you could send the photos of your creations via the Nice in your skin-challenge Facebook group shares! We also like it if you tag us on Instagram with and #LekkerInJeVel2022.


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