Another strategy in Cambiemos: “Cristina does not have to be answered”

“To the vice president you don’t have to answerIt is putting more fuel on the fire of a crack that does not serve us, people want to hear other things, that we find solutions. Cristina Kirchner in two thirds of his speech he talks about the past and negatively, we have to get out of there, the role of a vice president with this type of attitude does not help at all”, he criticized diego valenzuela, mayor of 3 de Febrero, who differed from the position of Mauricio Macri and other referents of the space that did come to the intersection CFK.

For Valenzuela, it is a pity that the dialogue between the ruling party and the opposition governors on the agreement with the IMF. “Hopefully a point of balance will be found, but my concern is the internal contradiction of the Front of All, it cannot be that the ruling party wants to summon the opposition and Cristina Kirchner send a letter that blows up the whole situation, you used a very bad metaphor, and it is politically perverse”.

The mayor and former journalist, who will soon debut with Own program on Channel 26 to show the benefits of Conurbano, aspires to be a candidate for governor in 2023, although he publicly insists that it is too early to talk about candidacies: “It is not the time for candidacies, people today need us to work, but we do need to put together a strong proposal for 2023. I feel empowered and wanting to be in the team that recovers the Province of Buenos Aires, and governs it”, he sentenced in dialogue with El Disparador (Delta 90.3).

“We have to build a comprehensive proposal for 2023 learn from mistakes. We have to make the people of the popular neighborhoods progress, there is a lot to do there, we have to reach those voters”, added the mayor, who weighs the dialogue with the space of Joseph Louis Espert: “I don’t lose my rings with the idea of converse with liberals, is a sector that today makes necessary proposals, goes beyond the people who integrate it. Unity and expansion are two values, and we have to maintain the spirit of Cambiemos”.

“We do not want a state that tells people how to live, how to think, whether or not they can travel, how to export, that value must be claimed and converted into public policy, always promoting the culture of work,” he concluded. diego valenzuela. “I would like to be much more Cambiemos than Together,” he added Martin Yeza (also in dialogue with Delta 90.3), who insisted on the need for new proposals and to be referents of “change”, instead of weighing unity and forging alliances to keep positions: he was one of the mayors who criticized the modification of the law that allows reelections in 2023: “The political culture in Argentina gave bad results. We must review the culture of power, there is no challenge in staying in office“.

by RN

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