Angela Groothuizen: ‘I have at least one date a week, sometimes three’ | Stars

After much discussed relationships with Erik de Zwart and Peter Jan Rens, among others, Angela found happiness more than thirty years ago with Rob Mooij, with whom she had two daughters. But things also went wrong with the ‘love of her life’, she says in Show news

“Rob and I have known each other for 32 years and it was love at first sight. An unconditional friendship, too. We’re actually separated now, but he’s doing really well now. So we may just get back together.”

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Angela with Rob Mooij in 2014.

Angela with Rob Mooij in 2014.


The former Dolly Dot does not say exactly what happened, but indicates that their last four years together were ‘really tough’. “Because when the love of your life feels that bad, it’s very sad. I actually cried for half a year. But then I thought: I just want to get to know nice men.”

And so Angela went on Tinder. “And, well, most of them pass, another becomes a good friend. And then at some point you go on a date. I like it and have at least one date a week. And sometimes you have three, which is quite a lot.”


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