Angela de Jong fan of Yvonne Coldeweijer: ‘Bridget looked so dirty’

Angela de Jong is a big fan of Yvonne Coldeweijer. She loves how she turns showbiz upside down. “Bridget Maasland looked so dirty at her in RTL Boulevard”, the opinion diva screams.


Yvonne Coldeweijer has more firsts on her own than the Story, Privé and the Weekend combined. The traditional show media did their best to avoid Yvonne for a long time, but now they really can’t ignore her. And so she was at the desk of the most juicy RTL Boulevard in ages on Monday evening. Angela de Jong thinks it’s great.


Suddenly Yvonne was standing next to one of the women she has juiced more than once: Bridget Maasland. “I think it’s great what Yvonne has built up in a very short time. There are of course even more of those juice channels that are causing a small revolution. It was revolutionary that she was there at Boulevard”, says Angela in her own podcast

Angela likes to watch it. “She and her colleagues have recently been reviled a lot by the traditional showbiz media, because ‘they just blow it all up, don’t check anything, it’s all just gossip’. None of it was any good. You saw recently that they had to quote her more and more often.”

Credits to Yvonne

In recent days, Yvonne has turned the whole country upside down. “That Lil ‘Kleine has been arrested and that we know that Glennis Grace is in custody for a fight in the Jumbo. We know that because of her. You see, it just works if you don’t have ties to stars and don’t depend on them. The traditional show media are going under.”

RTL Boulevard now embraces Yvonne. What did Angela think of her TV appearance at the desk? “I saw that she was nervous and she didn’t come out very well with her words, but well, I want to forgive her all that.”

Angry Bridget

Angela raved about Yvonne’s Boulevard performance. “I was intrigued by Bridget Maasland’s non-verbal attitude towards Yvonne Coldeweijer. You could really notice that there was some old sore. Bridget looked at her so dirty and distant that I really thought: He’s breathing new life into the whole image of a living refrigerator. I enjoyed it immensely.”

Colleague Marcus den Blanken: “Were you also a little proud? Because she calls you her showbiz mother.”

Angela uncomfortably: “Well, fine, I don’t look at it that way. I have nothing to do with her at all. I do think that those juice channels have made very clever use of a gap that has arisen.”

100 percent score

Angela’s colleagues wholeheartedly agree with her. Marcus: “Yvonne Coldeweijer has just knocked over the whole showbiz media in terms of how she’s flipping it. She really has resources.”

Manuel Venderbos: “She actually has a 100 percent score so far.”

Marcus: “She gets it right so often… She’s also serious about it.”


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