Ana Torroja is already a Marchioness

The singer Ana Torroja has received the title of Marchioness of Torrojaaccording to the order published this Tuesday by the Official State Gazette (BOE).

After the death of her father, José Antonio Torroja Cavanillas, Ana Torroja (Madrid, 1959) received the Marquisate of Torroja, an aristocratic distinction that the dictator Francisco Franco awarded her paternal grandfather posthumously in 1961.

This is indicated today by the BOE that “in accordance with the provisions of the Royal Decree of May 27, 1912, this Ministry, on behalf of HM the King, has seen fit to order that, after payment of the corresponding tax, it is issued, without prejudice to a third party with the best right, Royal Letter of Succession as Marchioness of Torroja, in favor of Mrs. Ana Torroja Fungairiño.

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The Madrilenian, the voice of timeless hits such as ‘Hoy no me puede rising’, ‘Barco a Venus’, ‘Mujer contra mujer’ or ‘Me costs so much to forget you’, became an international star along with the Cano brothers, a trio that formed Meccano.

The trio announced a long temporary withdrawal when the 90s arrived due to Torroja’s health problemwho lost his voice. Recovered from her, she released her first solo album in 1997 and has continued to focus on her musical career. In her latest work, ‘A thousand reasons’, she collaborated with young electronic producers such as El Guincho, Alizz, Atica or Henry and Mike.


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