An unexpected twist in the Farm: The golden potato is found

One of the contestants finally finds the golden potato. THE STORY CONTAINS PLOT REVEALS!

In the next episode of The Farm, the contestants will be frantically searching for the golden potato that will grant them immunity from the duel. The searches have not gone without problems, because despite trying hard, no one has managed to find the hidden talisman.

Presenter Susanna Laine has already hinted that the potato could be found “at the height of the head”.

– The search for potatoes has fluctuated. Sometimes we get a boost that we’re going to dig that potato, but then it’s forgotten for a long time, says Janne Ahonen.

Presenter Susanna Laine has given hints about the location of the golden potato. Four

In the episode, we see how each contestant desperately tries to get the golden potato. The situation frankly makes some of the competitors laugh.

– That potato is really a joke. Nobody has found a damn potato. So where is it really? Antonio Flores download.

Finally, Janne’s hand hits a surprising lump. However, it is a long-sought golden potato. He quickly slips the potato into his pocket and pretends to continue his search.

– I have somewhat conflicting thoughts about that potato. I know I’m on a loose log all the time. Now if that Ahonen digs up some potato again, it will save me at that moment, but I think it will be the last rivet or nail in the coffin. When that Ahonen has survived this potato, then it will leave, Janne reflects on his situation.

The golden potato protects Janne Ahonen from one nomination. Four

Farmi Suomi on Saturday at Nelose at 20:00 & Ruudu. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
