Amsterdam reflects on the February strike

It is exactly 82 years ago today that work was stopped on a large scale in Amsterdam in response to raids by the Nazis, in which hundreds of Jews were rounded up. The February strike was the only major and open protest in Europe against the persecution of the Jews during World War II. The strike will be commemorated this afternoon at the Jonas Daniël Meijerplein.

FNV chairman Tuur Elzinga, chairman of the commemoration committee Jaïr Stranders and spoken word artist Roziena Salihu will give a speech. Lucky Fonz III sings a song. The 1941 February Strike Commemoration Committee and the city council of Amsterdam will lay a wreath at De Dokwerker.

AT5 follows the commemoration live at De Dokwerker on the Jonas Daniël Meijerplein in Amsterdam. You follow the memorial here until 5:15 p.m.

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