American and European airlines cancel flights to Ukraine

The data of the online scoreboard of the airports in Kiev and Odessa testify to the massive cancellation of flights to Ukraine by Western airlines. So, at the Kiev airport Boryspil canceled the arrival of Delta Airlines and KLM flights. A flight from Kiev to Poznan by Ryanair and from Odessa to Warsaw by Polish Airlines is also listed as cancelled.

KLM has suspended flights to Ukraine since yesterday. In addition, the company’s aircraft do not enter Ukrainian airspace. Aircraft of Ukrainian airlines, which are under leasing, also forced to land in other cities at the request of the lessor. Insurance companies have already notified their clients that possible incidents over the territory of Ukraine will not be recognized as insured events.

German Lufthansa is still discussing the possibility of ending flights with Ukraine, writes RIA News. At the same time, the Ministry of Infrastructure stated that the airspace remains open, and the state is working to prevent risks for air carriers.


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