Aline – The voice of love: the review by Paolo Mereghetti


Gender: Biography truer than truth
Directed by Valérie Lemercier. With Valérie Lemercier, Sylvain Marcel, Danielle Fichaud, Roc Lafortune, Antoine Vézima, Pascale Descrochers

If at the cinema biographies risk betraying the subject, we might as well betray him completely and give oneself the freedom that is needed. That’s what Valérie Lemercier must have thought when she decided to tell the story of Céline Dion.

Celine Dion, the daring style of a diva

Or better: use the biography of Céline Dion to bring to life that of Aline Dieu, a kind of “avatar” funnier and at the same time truer. That in all ages of her life – we see her as a child, then a teenager, finally an established star – she always has the face of Lemercier thanks to the miracles of morphing technology.

Valérie Lemercier and Sylvain Marcel in the biopic

Valérie Lemercier and Sylvain Marcel in the biopic Aline (photo by Jean Marie Leroy).

And the result is a surprising and very enjoyable, exciting and entertaining film which would be worth seeing in the original subtitled to laugh at the gags built on the québécois pronunciation (brilliant news of its success in the Vatican).

The key to the operation is decidedly kitsch, also because the life of these mega-stars often is, but always corrected by a good dose of irony (she who gets lost in her 48-room villa; the “I don’t like it” with which she comments on what will be her greatest success: My Heart Will Go On) and a rhythm that never misses a beat. In addition to the extraordinary Victoria Sio who gives voice to Aline / Céline.
For those who want to have fun listening to the songs of Céline Dion.



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