Alessia Marcuzzi, the daughter in isolation for Covid

S.and separate from a wall. Those who have to manage a positive child at Covid know how difficult it is to live everyday life while keeping your distance. This is what he is experiencing Alessia Marcuzzi. Your daughter Mia, 10 years old, born from love with Francesco Facchinetti, is positive for Covid. And the presenter told on the partnerl how he is living the quarantine with the child who is in solitary confinement in her room.

Alessia Marcuzzi, when her daughter sleeps she goes wild to the rhythm of the music

Love in the time of Covid

A hand, Mia’s, leaning against the wall. Another, that of his mother, Alessia, leaning on the other side of the wall. And a few words that tell a cross-section common to many families in this period: “Love in the time of Covid», Complete with the hashtag #cucciolamia. Thus begins the social story of the little house’s quarantine. She is in isolation and mother Alessia tries to stay close to her even if beyond the wall.

Alessia Marcuzzi: “I discovered so many things about Mia”

“We often notice the merits of the people around us just when these people are not around us,” wrote the TV presenter in another Instagram post in which she talks about her daughter’s days. “I found out a lot about my daughter while she is in solitary confinement. I probably didn’t pay too much attention to them because I took them for granted and I often got angry, like all parents, because I had to repeat things to her 1000 times before she did them, “he added. Words and thoughts common to millions of mothers who, during the pandemic, saw their children grow in every respect. “I discovered instead that Mia has a great sense of responsibility, she does not want to risk the lives of others, and she is very thoughtful with me when I come in (masked) to bring her to eat or clean the room ».

Children in quarantine

Dad, homework, remote games, video calls – this is the life of children in quarantine. The same one that Mia is experiencing, waiting to become negativized. “He also has a sense of duty and she is keen to do her homework and follow all the lessons in dad, despite being a bit tired at times. She is very ironic because on the family chat she makes hilarious jokes about this situation, making us die of laughter. We made up our minds to play a lot of games together outside the door… collapsed on the floor with that wall that separates us: we read, we do naval battle on the sheet, names things, animals, guess who … etc .. She washes and dresses every day as if she were going out, because she says she has to pretend that everything is normal“.

Technology yes or no

In her social story, Alessia also writes about the girl’s relationship with technology in this particular period. “I gave her a phone to talk to her friends and make video calls, so at least she feels less alone… .Sometimes she plays online and I remember that before Covid, I often quarreled with her about the management of these devices: the time limit was half an hour a day… And that’s it! Now she is the first to limit herself because she says she has many other things to do. It seems like a dream to me, “he specified.

And who is smaller and less fortunate?

It is not easy for children to live in isolation in their bedroom for days and days. “Yesterday I went in to bring her a snack and she was playing with her Barbie dolls… it made me very tender. There alone. But then I thought about how lucky she is: she has a large room and lots of games and she has an age that allows her to be self-sufficient even in isolation. Many people find themselves in situations that are too difficult to manage and I think every day about their fatigue, their strength“. Not everyone, in fact, has the opportunity to manage this situation in the best way. From the lack of devices for the dad to the impossibility of reserving a room for the positive child because it is shared with other siblings, to the impossibility of leaving him alone because he is too small: these are some of the problems to be solved with a positive child at home.

Alessia Marcuzzi: “I have to be a more aware mother”

«I have understood in these days of fleeting distant apparitions and loving glances, that I have to learn to be a more tolerant and more aware mother. Thanks Mia »concluded Alessia Marcuzzi in her long social outburst. A post immediately shared and commented on by many mothers who are experiencing the same situation. They all agree on one point: “In this battle our children are the best.”



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