Akın Akınözü’s 120-weight state became the agenda on social media

Those who saw the photos showing the old version of Akın Akınözü, who gained fame with the TV series he played recently, were surprised at what they saw.

The old version of Akın Akınözü, who fascinated the audience with his roles in Magnificent Century, Hercai and finally his new series “The Game of My Destiny”, surprised everyone.

Akınözü, who is one of the most interesting male actors of recent times, has made quite a splash with Sandra Pestemalciyan.


In addition to his situation in front of the camera, his fans who saw the past of the handsome actor, who were curious about his private life and his fans, were astonished.

Akınözü, who had a completely different appearance by falling from 120 kilos to 70 kilos, said about the change in himself, “I discovered the power of change for the first time when I dropped from 120 kilos to 70 kilos”.

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