Ajax dismisses Overmars for “inappropriate messages” to his co-workers

02/07/2022 at 00:15


Mark Overmars will no longer serve as Ajax Sporting Director from Amsterdam. The former player for FC Barcelona and the Netherlands national team has left the Dutch club after confirming that in recent months he had repeatedly sent “inappropriate messages” to her co-workers.

In a statement on its website, Ajax, through supervisory board chairman Leen Meijaardhas assured that “this is a dramatic situation for all those who are involved in this in some way”.

Meijaard wanted to have a memory for women who have suffered harassment of Overmars and has stated that they have acted “immediately, carefully deliberating and weighing what was the best we could do. All in consultation with the general manager Van der Sar and assisted by an external expert & rdquor ;.


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