Aft of the corona manifestation in Brussel with a goed geolied machine from antivaxers that 50,000 betogers ronselde

So’n 50,000 people during the day on the day before the corona manifestation in Brussels. Officieel shows organizer Europeans United not per se tegen vaccinaties te zijn. Maar een onderzoek van The morning In same working with new site Het Observatorium toont aan dat Europeans United is aan organizations that al for de coronapandemie tegen vaccinations in het algemeen streden.

Samira Atillah

“The three most important points of view of Europeans United are: democracy, human rights and respect for the community.”

That state says on the website of Europeans United, de vzw the de Brusselse betoging van zondag mee organiseerde. Leuvenaar Tom Meert said something about the buttons of the movement. Hij treedt also op als woordvoerder.

Op het first shown is the guilty party of the organisatie. Zeker voor de schermen will profile you as a group that represents democratic government. Aft of the warning, it is true that the Europeans United are a strong, geolied machine from Europe and America antivaxers, which is the only year that the vaccines were lost in the general strijdt. The organization consists of small vzw’s and subgroups that always raise a number of concerns: don’t worry about the burgers and the children who don’t have late vaccines.

Tom Meert heeft behalve de vzw Europeans United Leuven also nog een other vzw, the op hetzelfde adres gevestigd is: Free the children (FTC). In May 2021, FTC held a torch alarm on the Martelarenplein in Leuven from “the possible situation of young people during the pandemic on the basis of the planned warning”. Opvallend: for both websites used sea exact dezelfde kleuren (blue/black) and opmaak. Both vzw’s will be kort na elkaar opgericht in 2021.

‘Fauci en Gates’

That’s because of the fact that sears say that their toespits aren’t uncommon. This also includes Children’s Health Defense Europe (CHDE), an antivaccination organization from other Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who op de betoging zondag een plaats kreeg as spokesman on the podium.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the neef of the former American President John Kennedy in the state that he has had vaccines in the United States since the beginning of the year, the outbreak of the corona pandemic. Zeer recentelijk Schreef Kennedy Jr. het book The Real Anthony Fauci, It was described by the American virologist Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and “we have cohorts of control over the media, wetenschappelijke tijdschriften and other important overheids- and semi-overheidsinstanties used on the public and overspoelen met angstaanjagende propaganda about Covid-19”. Dat allermaal om, following Kennedy Jr., “het debate de mond te snoeren en meedogenloos afwijkende meningen te censoren”.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the neef of the former American President John Kennedy in the state that he has had vaccines in the United States since the beginning of the year, the outbreak of the corona pandemic.Beeld Getty Images

It is a statement by The Associated Press (AP) that the Children’s Health Defense has no financial effect. “CHDE heeft financing en volgers internal income toen Kennedy zijn invloed bruikte than lid van een van Amerika’s most famous families om deuren te openen, money in te zamelen en zijn groep geloofwaardigheid te geven. The sum of CHDE is in 2020 more then doubled tot 6.8 million dollars”, state in the article of AP from December 2021.

Vlaming Tom Meert likes the day before the end of the day with a panel talk via livestream from Brussels, organized by Kennedy’s CHDE. Hij zat he same with tal van international antivaxers, onder like Kennedy zelf, maar also de omstreden Franse doctor Christian Perrone. The number of patients with autism caused by sickness and all the known evidence in samples to be treated with cocktails of antibiotics and small amounts of mold and parasites.

Beroemde families

The international network of antivaxers has everything that is best for people who are close to each other, via social media, which means that there is a need for movement. In a study from 2019, due to the corona pandemic, Washington University is still aware of the fact that Facebook adverts are spreading information about vaccination in the general public, which is funded by two anti-vaccination groups, which are related to the illness of Kennedy.

Are the beginning of the pandemic heeft Children’s Health Defense het bereik van zijn nieuwsbrief uitgebreid en lanceerde de organisatie onder meer een internet-tv-kanaal.

In his own country he will also be mobilized by Meerts Europeans United. Some other groups in Belgium also worked on the organization of and mobilization for Mars. So the Europeans United posted on the Facebook page that heel trots is about to report that WWD-België, WWD-Nederland and WWD-Luxemburg with the same works for de betoging.

WWD often World Wide Demonstration is a group that al eventjes oproept om masssaal after te zakken naar coronabetogingen. The group verwijst regularly on “alternative” media platforms were vanishing antivaxers and mening geven over the corona beleid. In addition to the controversy group Viruswaanzin heft nauwe banden met the network.

On December 9th, Europeans United posted on Facebook that they were planning to meet and busse in Europe. Verder stonnd te lezen dat “het evenement in heel Europe will be announced via billboards, radio spots, flyers, enzovoort”. Also, the Telegram app report will be announced shortly thereafter. The organization vraagt ​​bovendien via zijn website donaties van burgers om de betoging mee te helpen finance.

Europeans United schreef op zijn website dat he also remembered aan de veiligheid van de betogers. Zelf zou de organisatie honderden ‘stewards’ incets. That’s not new. When national and international corona protections are lost, the stewards are responsible for the protection of privacy. That was still happening in the Netherlands, but people were in casual outfits for the ‘vailing’ of a corona virus there. Also in Belgium doken ze al op tijdens at the illegal festival La Boum op 16 mei in het Ter Kamerenbos.

On days, dezelfde privémilities opnieuw will be indicated. Het gaat onder sea om de groepering In het gelid voor Vrijheid, a collection of military and veterans from the Netherlands who in casual uniform mee oplopen om the organizers and betogers naar own zeggen te beschermen.


De mars trok dan also heel wat extreme right groeperingen aan. For the post mobilization of the betoging, also local Flemish concern groups will report via social media to Brussel after the zakken. Vlaams Belang Westerlo, bijvoorbeeld, legde special een bus in. Ticket: 10 euro per person.

Also Voorpost en Project Thule, the grouping of the veroordeelde neo-Nazi Tomas Boutens, put the buses in. The extreme right grouping Feniks, was Sarah Melis left me heeft, what eveneens van de partij. Fringe right-wing organizations such as the nation, L’Alliance Belgique and Civitas have even been strongly mobilized. There are many relatively large right-wing delegates from Germany, Zwitserland and Tsjechië op.

The anti-corona action attracted a total of 50,000 demonstrators.  Beeld AP

The anti-corona action attracted a total of 50,000 demonstrators.Beeld AP

Het conservatieve Roemeense Europese parlementslid Cristian Terhes was met with a large group of land genoten aanwezig op de betoging. Eerder deze week had all the same with the Italiaanse Europese parlementslid Francesca Donato van de extremrechtste Lega Nord and het populistische Europese parliamentslid Ivan Sincic uit Kroatië opgeroepen om masssaal aanwezig te zijn.

Also from the partij: a large delegation of the gels hesjes uit Frankrijk en Nederland, en disappearing hooligans uit Voornamelijk Limburg en West-Vlaanderen. Before the beginning of the process, there were circulating reports on various social media as well as reports of extreme right-wing militants and hooligans, which had resulted in confrontations with the ordeals. De betogen liep dan also vrij soon uit op hevige rellen.

Slotsome? Aft de betoging van zondag zat een good geoliede machine van zowel national as international antivaxers the other groeperingen konden overtuigen om op hun beurt soms nietsvermoedende mensen te ronselen om naar Brussel af te zakken. Ze slaagden he also in om all sorts of groeperingen from extreme politics stromingen te mobiliseren and zetten in te zetten voor ‘de veiligheid’ van de burger.

The article was tot stand in same work with nieuwssite The Observatory.


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