AfD boss warns of ‘war rhetoric’ – annexation of Crimea ‘fact’

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – In the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, AfD boss Tino Chrupalla warned against “war rhetoric”. In the ZDF “Morgenmagazin” Chrupalla welcomed the diplomatic efforts to de-escalate the situation, but at the same time warned that saber-rattling “on both sides” should be avoided.

Chrupalla refused arms deliveries to Ukraine and, referring to Russian troop concentrations on the Ukrainian border, spoke of “troop movements hundreds of kilometers from the border with Ukraine on Russian territory”. Russia is a sovereign country and can decide for itself on troop movements in its own country. The AfD leader also advocated that Ukraine, like Finland and Sweden, go down the path of alliance neutrality.

Chrupalla acknowledged that Crimea annexed Crimea in 2014, but said he was in favor of accepting it. “But that’s a fact that we now have to get used to a bit, because Russia will definitely not give up Crimea.” A vote by the local population was also clearly in favor of Russia./shy/DP/eas


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