Achille Lauro: the new album, Domenica and Sei beautiful in Sanremo 2022

TOchille Lauro returns to show up with a new recording project entitled Lauro – Achille Idol Superstar (actually it is the enrichment of the previous album by 7 new tracks available from 11 February) and on stage of the Ariston with the song Sunday.

After the success of Rolls Royce, from I do not care and of the five paintings staged last year, the singer-songwriter cannot do more without Sanremo. “This year, however, I close a circle with the festival, Lauro says during the presentation of the album.

Marilù, the video of the new song by Achille Lauro is a tribute to Nirvana

A stage that does not live like a competition. “Sanremo for me is not a competition, I live it as a space, a showcase to present myself and my divisive projects – explains Lauro. I want to be divisive not by provocation. Music goes further, we don’t seek the complacency, we carry what no one has ever brought e we do what others don’t.

Lauro – Achille Idol Superstar and the song of Sanremo

The disc is made up of 7 new bonus tracks that follow the natural evolution of the path made with 1969, and in which we also find the passage Sunday. They are songs born on a semi-desert island where Lauro remained with his collaborators for five months.

achille lauro sanremo song sunday you are beautiful

Achille Lauro. (Photo Leando Manuel Emede)

“From that experience we have written many songs that they already represent the future, they are an evolution of our music“, tells.

Sunday has a “popular” sound, that is, draws from that Italian pop that has been lost – says Lauro. It is as light as the title it bears ». The artist will perform it together in Sanremo at the Harlem Gospel Choir, to “bring a carefree and festive mood», Adds the singer.

achille lauro sanremo song sunday

The cover of the album Lauro- Achille Idol Superstar.

Achille Lauro and the poignant You are beautiful by Loredana Bertè

For the evening of the coverà chosen You are beautiful, which will sing along with Loredana Bertè. This song comes after the tribute that the artist made two years ago, also in Sanremo, to My Martini singing men do not change with Annalisa.

«I feel akin to these two artists who have put emotions at the center of their music. You are beautiful it’s incredible, has one of the best known refrains in the history of Italian pop music together with poignant, almost theatrical stanzas that tell of a suffered love, a love addiction. I did not choose at random, it’s a deep, exciting and current song.

A tour in 2022 and the journey into the metaverse

Lauro will perform live starting May 27th and from the Palazzetto dello Sport in Rome. Finally the concerts resume after the stop due to Covid. But it will not be a classic tour. Fans will attend a real show, a crowssover between musical and live together with the band do Achille and 52 elements of the Electric Orchestra.

“I hope the show evolves into a real one musicals to take beyond national bordershopes the artist. And that’s not all. Lauro will be the first in Europe, following in the footsteps of Travis Scott, Lil Nas X and Ariana Grande, to perform in the world type of the metaverse.

The users who will participate can be Lauro, dress like him, communicate with him and experience his music in an innovative way with the logic of gaming. Lauro is already projected into the future.



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