According to AD, Gordon is no longer relevant enough for a separate article

According to the AD media editors, Gordon is no longer relevant enough for a separate article. They will only include it in the ‘Showbytes’ section. “He’s not that relevant anymore.”


According to the AD media editors, Gordon’s relevance has diminished to such an extent that they no longer give him a separate article for every poop or fart he leaves. Instead, they now include him in the Showbytes section. This consists of collector’s items of what celebrities use during the day socials places.

Gordon demoted

The Showbytes section is characterized by strange, random-sounding headlines, such as ‘André floats after the show in Ahoy and Kim-Lian has had a tough job’, and: ‘Bridget twists and turns and Freek shows life-threatening fangs’ . Below that follows a collection of Insta photos of the stars.

Gordon has also been relegated there, media journalist Marcus den Blanken reveals in the AD Media podcast. He makes this revelation when colleague Angela de Jong briefly talks about André Hazes Jr.

Separate message

Angela notices that André’s star is declining. “In fact, the boy is completely defined by his addiction history and his family and not by the fact that he is a singer. Tragic. (…) Is André Hazes still someone who we want to give a separate message on the site or not?”

Colleague Marcus then: “Well, not always anymore.”

Angela: “Because Gordon is of course no longer enough of a star to ehhh… He is only allowed in the Showbytes, I was told.”

No longer relevant

Marcus confirms that. “In the past, with Gordon, if he said something… Yes, then it was actually news, because it was Gordon. But yeah, in recent years, actually what comes out is that it’s not that relevant anymore, because hey, it’s just Gordon. And that also happened a bit with André Hazes.”

He continues: “Look, his concert was now sold out, yes, we will report that, because we also reported: hey, Holiday Auctions and he is putting his tickets on sale. But not everything around Hazes is news anymore, so it is becoming less and less because he is simply becoming less relevant.”


André has been in the news in recent weeks with his Ahoy concert, which failed to sell out. Angela: “And have we actually reviewed the concert?”

Marcus: “No.”

Angela: “Not too? We clearly didn’t find that interesting enough…”
