About current methods of software development in the wind energy industry

Speaker Arne Kusiek, Nordex/Acciona AG, reports from practice on current methods of software development in and for the wind energy industry. All interested parties are cordially invited. To register informally, please send an email to: peter.drews(at)th-luebeck.de asked.

Speech: Quo Vadis software development?, at the 11/16/21, around 16:30-18:00 in the Lecture Hall 2-0.15.

The subject Electromobility and Power Electronics- EMLE of the TH Lübeck Prof. Dr. Roland Tiedeman thus resumes the series of lectures on new technologies for climate protection with guest lecturers from the field. The lecture, which was already planned for the summer semester 2020, had to be postponed due to the Corona crisis.

Nordex/Acciona AG

Since the merger with Acciona Windpower in 2016, the Nordex Group As a global player with more than 6,000 employees, one of the largest manufacturers of wind turbines in the world. Nordex/Acciona has been active in the development, manufacture, project development and maintenance of onshore wind turbines for 35 years. The focus is currently on wind turbines in the 3 to 5+ MW class. The Nordex Group manufactures nacelles, hubs, rotor blades and concrete towers in production facilities in Germany, Spain, Brazil, USA, Argentina, Mexico and India. In addition, the company has branches and offices in more than 25 countries.


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