Amber Brantsen attacked after Max Verstappen interview: ‘Stupid!’

Amber Brantsen is being put through the wringer on national TV because she gave Max Verstappen some chocolates. “It’s just a waste of time, that nonsense!”, he says.

© SBS, Viaplay

Oops, oops, oops: the one-hour interview that Amber Brantsen did for the pay channel Viaplay has held with racing hero Max Verstappen is not well received. That poor woman is completely put through the wringer on national television because she gave the driver some Kinder chocolates. Schoko-Bons Crispy’s to be precise.

Hopelessly old-fashioned

This is really not possible, says Evert Santegoeds. “The first three minutes of that interview – it’s a waste of time – is about that nonsense with the Kinder chocolate,” he whispers at the desk of Show newsthe program that of course excels in strong interviews; just ask the recently interviewed Lil Kleine and Linda de Mol.

Amber’s hassle with those chocolates is hopelessly old-fashioned, says the Private Boss. “Every interview that still starts… It is so old-fashioned to arrive with clogs or flowers or tulips because you come from the Netherlands or in this case with presents and: ‘It is so difficult to find a present for you .’”

“He’ll buy that himself!”

Those presents are cringeworthy, says Evert. “Yes, whatever that man wants, he will of course buy it all year round. That was three minutes away! She then has a stack of cards with all kinds of statements from people that have been made in the past year and then he has to guess who it is about.”

According to him, it doesn’t achieve anything at all. “It’s such a shame if you don’t just ask questions and then of course you don’t get to that child’s moment. This is just going through some old sayings based on your cards.”

Moment of child

That child’s moment? Evert means that Max decided to reveal on Instagram the day after that interview that he is becoming a father. “You really have to choose your own moment for that, so he had it in mind: I want to announce it at this moment – that was that Friday – and not before. We just have to respect that,” says Amber herself.

Tooske Ragas at the desk: “Yes, you have to respect that, but it still seems a bit annoying to me.”

Evert: “A bit annoying? I would have been biting my pillow all night if I had missed that!”

Stupid nonsense

Tooske notices that Evert did not think it was a good interview. “I don’t think you’re very enthusiastic.”

Evert: “No, it is also jealousy of course. Hahaha. But if you have an hour with Max Verstappen, you have the unique opportunity to ask that man the whole time and don’t start with that stupid nonsense about chocolates!”
