“Unique opportunity to write history”: Vlaams Belang proposes N-VA to submit joint parliamentary list in Brussels | Domestic

The Vlaams Belang proposes to the N-VA to submit a joint Vlaams Belang-N-VA list for the Chamber in the Brussels Region in order to win a Dutch-speaking Chamber seat from Brussels. The party is even prepared to give the N-VA the lead position. “Together we have the opportunity to send a Dutch-speaking Brussels resident to the Chamber who is not there by the grace of the PS, Ecolo or MR,” says Brussels Vlaams Belang chairman Bob De Brabandere.

“Vlaams Belang is on the rise and N-VA is also holding its ground in Brussels. We now have a unique opportunity to write Brussels electoral history and send a Dutch speaker to Parliament on our own. We owe it to the Flemish people not to miss this opportunity. That is why we are reaching out to the N-VA,” said De Brabandere.

Vlaams Belang chairman Tom Van Grieken supports the proposal and refers to previous statements by N-VA MP Theo Francken. “It is Francken who repeats at every opportunity that we should not submit lists for the House. That is of course nonsense. In Brussels, however, the situation is different. In Flanders, both N-VA and Vlaams Belang can conquer parliamentary seats on their own, while that is virtually impossible in Brussels.”

Van Grieken hopes that Francken will “encourage his party to be consistent”. “The N-VA should not miss this opportunity.”
