Climate gluers posed as film students at lift rental companies

By Michael Behrendt and Nicole Biewald

Germany’s landmark is smeared. Since Sunday morning, the world has been looking at a defaced Brandenburg Gate.

Climate radicals of the last generation sprayed the six pillars in the middle of Berlin with colorful paint.

Police officers run to the gate when they notice the paint attack

Police officers run to the gate when they notice the paint attack Photo: Twitter/X Photo: X (Twitter)

But why didn’t anyone prevent this – even though the chaots’ actions had been announced days before?

The police’s answer: That’s precisely why! A spokeswoman for the BZ: “The large number of possible city-wide action locations does not enable the targeted deployment of large-scale emergency services” – in order to prevent something like this.

This means: The available operational units were apparently divided into small groups on Sunday, which then drove off and checked endangered places.

The climate greasers sneak into the Brandenburg Gate with these bags

With these bags the climate greasers sneak to the Brandenburg Gate Photo: Twitter/X Photo: X (Twitter)

Surprising: There are no police officers stationed at the Brandenburg Gate itself. The property guards at the surrounding embassies are only allowed to report incidents and are not allowed to intervene themselves.

Only when the climate activists drove a lifting platform to the monument did a police patrol notice what was happening.

Several officers immediately ran to the Brandenburg Gate and were able to prevent the air conditioning greasers from driving up the pillars. All 14 slobs were caught and received charges. None of them come from Berlin; apparently they all came.

The climate greasers sneak into the Brandenburg Gate with these bags

Here one of the climate chaots sprays the paint onto the sandstone of the Langhanns building Photo: Twitter/X Photo: X (Twitter)

The lifting platform rental company also wants to file a complaint. A spokesman for BZ: “The tenants pretended to be students at a film school and said they needed the stage for a shoot.”
