Scotland will lift all corona measures on March 21 | Coronavirus what you need to know

Scotland also wants to drop all corona measures. Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced that from March 21, Scots will no longer be required to wear a mask on public transport or in shops.

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From next week 28 February, Scots will no longer be required to present a corona pass – proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test – to enter night or sports clubs. And next month, the mouth mask obligation in public transport and in shops will also be lifted, at least if the number of infections does not increase by then. At the dawn of spring, the Scots will only be urged to voluntarily wear a mouth mask.

The Scottish government will abandon the corona measures that are still in force for the next four weeks because the omikron variant is less sickening and has a lower impact on society.

Unlike England, Scotland will still maintain the recommendation to self-isolate for people infected with Covid-19. Prime Minister Sturgeon said she would find it irresponsible for infected people to go shopping or go to work.

“We are still dealing with a highly transmissible strain, with a high rate of infections in the community. That is far from harmless, but the overall impact is less severe than with delta,” Sturgeon said in the Scottish Parliament. “This should not be taken as a signal that Covid is no longer a health risk, because it clearly does.”
