The governor also wants to test the track and trace system with emergency services

The governor also wants to test the track and trace system with emergency services

Especially useful for employees who are on the road every day, but organizers of rallies and cycling competitions also use the technology. Stijn Stragier, Geodynamics: “Including Flanders Classics, in the Tour of Flanders we do a lot of tracking of the red flag. Where are the different rates? You have the juniors, the ladies, men’s races… That is also used in the headquarters of the operational teams: police, ambulances and fire brigade.”

Governor Decaluwé still sees opportunities for more rapid relief in the event of disasters. He wants to test the system, for example to send out ambulances in the event of disasters. “If all security staff had this, you would know exactly where everyone is. And then you can also start sending. Through such systems, one can actually see live whether the perimeter is closed. Those are important auxiliary elements for a governor in the context of emergency planning, and also for a mayor or municipality.”

About 50 people work at Geodynamics. The company opened a second branch in the Netherlands at the beginning of this year, and is already eyeing Germany for a third branch.
