Taxi, two days of strike throughout Italy. Demonstration in Rome

Block on July 5th and 6th. Taxi drivers contest part of the Competition bill on deregulation of the sector

The two days of taxi strike confirmed on Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 June throughout Italy with a demonstration in Rome. Despite the last minute mediation attempt at the Ministry of Transport, from today, all over Italy, the white cars stop for 48 hours, as a protest against the missing excerpt, requested by taxi drivers, of article 10 of the competition bill. Almost all of the acronyms have joined the mobilization, against some who have decided to postpone.

the reasons for the protest

After the black smoke of last June 27, the Deputy Minister of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility, Teresa Bellanova, on delegation of the government, had again convened the trade unions, but the new confrontation, the representatives of the category explained, did not have a positive outcome “because the Article 10 of the Competition bill will not be removed but modified in the non-substantial parts. We are increasingly convinced – they underline – that the rewriting of the rules to improve the sector must take place not with a proxy law inserted in a competition bill, but through a measure of comparison between category, government and trade unions “. In the sights of taxi drivers there is the deregulation of the sector and, specifically, what does not go down is “the adaptation of the offer of services to the forms of mobility that take place through web applications that use technological platforms for the interconnection of passengers. and drivers “, as stated in article 10 of the bill. But also, more generally, “the promotion of competition, including when granting licenses, in order to stimulate higher quality standards”.

the procession in Rome

Parallel to the strike on Tuesday 5th there is also a demonstration in Rome, which sees the participation of taxi drivers from all over the country. Meeting and departure are scheduled at 10 from Piazza della Repubblica, with destination Piazza Venezia, where the interventions of the trade unionists will alternate.

the parliamentary process

Meanwhile, the competition bill continues, in second reading after the changes made in the Senate, its process in the Chamber, with the thorniest node concerning taxis. In fact, in the Productive Activities Commission, the examination of the approximately 400 amendments presented is in full swing. According to what is learned from parliamentary sources, the objective of the majority would be to close the voting by the end of next week, with the arrival of the text in the Chamber which could take place in the third week of July.
