Teachers union wants to strike for smaller classes

Berlin has increased its number of teachers by 21.6 percent over the past ten years.  8,600 euros/year are spent per student – ​​in Hamburg 7,500 euros, the national average 6,600 euros

In many schools in Berlin, the usual classes on Wednesdays are cancelled. The GEW has called for an all-day warning strike (symbolic photo) Photo: images – stock.adobe

From BZ editors

Around 1,000 teachers are missing in the capital, but the teachers’ union GEW is calling for another strike on Wednesday. Goal: smaller classes!

The class size at general and vocational schools must be regulated in a binding collective agreement, the GEW demands. “Our goal is to stipulate a reduction in the size of the classes and thus contribute to the health protection of the teachers through a lower workload,” says state boss Tom Erdmann. Students would also benefit enormously from smaller classes.

In order to put pressure on the demands, there should be a demonstration (from 10 a.m.) starting at Dorothea-Schlegel-Platz near the Friedrichstrasse S-Bahn station. It leads to the Red Town Hall, where the final rally is planned for around 12 noon.

There had already been an all-day warning strike at Berlin schools at the beginning of April. At that time, the GEW spoke of more than 2,500 strikers who had demonstrated for the collective agreement.

Education expert Paul Fresdorf (45, FDP): “The GEW’s demand for smaller classes is absolutely desirable, but first of all the staff at the schools must be made available.”


Teacher Teachers Protests School Warning Strike
