Progress in housing and work for refugees from Ukraine | news item

News item | 10-06-2022 | 19:30

More than 60,000 refugees from Ukraine are currently registered in the Netherlands. This number is expected to increase further in the near future. Refugees from Ukraine have the right to housing, care, education and are allowed to work. In the summary letter, the government explains what actions have been taken and what will be done in the near future to give substance to these rights.


The influx of refugees from Ukraine causes an increase in the demand for housing. In order to expand the number of homes, the cabinet is committed to transforming existing buildings, such as making a former office building habitable and realizing flexible housing. Flexible houses are easy to build and move, and can therefore also be placed in other places in the future. In addition to being displaced from Ukraine, the homes can also be used for other target groups on the housing market.

The Minister for Housing and Spatial Planning has set up the ‘Task Force for Accelerating Temporary Housing’ to realize a ‘flexible shell’ for homes. This task force does this, among other things, by supporting municipalities and other housing market parties. To support projects financially, 100 million euros will be made available from the Residential Building Impulse (Wbi). These funds are intended to fill financial shortfalls and accelerate the construction of housing.

In addition to reception by municipalities, reception is also provided by private individuals. Part of this private reception is provided through RefugeeHomeNL, in which various NGOs work together. To
To enable better support for RefugeeHome.Nl and the Red Cross, a budget of 13.1 and 12.8 million euros respectively has been made available.


Refugees from Ukraine are allowed to do paid work without a work permit. They do need proof of residence, which they receive when they register in the Basic Registration of Persons (BRP). Some refugees from Ukraine experience difficulties in (matters related to) finding work. In order to be able to claim facilities, such as a meeting with a coach or help from the UWV, refugees from Ukraine must be able to register as jobseekers. This requires a change in legislation, which is expected to be completed on August 1. The cabinet agrees with anticipating this change, so that job seekers can already receive support.


Ukraine has asked whether the Netherlands will support the organization of entrance exams. it concerns entrance exams for Ukrainian higher education for Ukrainian children residing in the Netherlands. The Netherlands is sympathetic to this and is making a one-off EUR 315,000 available.
