9 smartphones ready to conquer even the most demanding

Tfind it smartphones perfect is no mean feat. There are many aspects that users take into consideration in the hope of making the right choice: a good camera, number of guaranteed software updates, fast charging system and, why not, even a nice design.

High tech, the mattress that charges your cell phone and refreshes the air

That’s why, when buying a new device, it’s important to try to keep it for as long as possible in its initial conditions, so as to make the most of all its features.

Protect your smartphone to make it last

Old or new, protect the smartphone it can prove to be the winning solution to make it last longer and preserve its functionality. But how to do it? OnePlusa global mobile technology brand, has compiled a guide of useful tips to restore the device to its initial glory (or almost).

Start by protecting your phone with one cover and a transparent film. It might seem like trivial advice, but it’s the most suitable solution to preserve the integrity of your smartphone for a long time, protecting it from fingerprints and accidental drops.

Another way to make your phone last longer is optimize the state of your battery, beating heart of the device. It is essential to keep it in the best possible condition, with charge levels always between 20% and 80%.

Learn how to manage apps properly. Contrary to what many think, closing apps after every single use can be a very harmful habit for your smartphone. Closing them, in fact, forces the manager to fully load the apps every time they are opened. It is therefore better to keep the apps open even when inactive, thus saving resources and energy. And what about those that are never used? Delete them to improve the state of your smartphone.

In the end, beware of extreme temperatures and water. It’s no secret that phones get hot when exposed to extreme temperatures. However, this damages the battery, with a consequent loss of efficiency: for this reason, it is very important to make sure that the phone is always on between 0 and 35°C. On the other side, humidity is also not a good friend.

Even though more and more phones are equipped with certifications for the water resistanceand in any case best to avoid submerging them completely in order not to damage its integrity in the long run.

Smartphone and water: beware of splashes!

Who has never accidentally spilled water on their smartphone? Or again, who has never taken it for a swim in the sea or in the pool, especially during the summer months?

As evidence that Italians are bunglers when it comes to cell phones and water, there is also the data collected by a search for CertiDeal – among the first operators specialized in reconditioned hi-tech products in Italy – where it emerges that more than half of the interviewees aged between 15 and 65 have had more than a few accidents linked precisely to this theme. In short, from GenZ to Boomers, without exception: everyone has had to change their phone, at least once, due to a water-related misfortune.

Specifically, it was fatal for 60% of the under 25s falls to the ground in puddles, while for more than half of the over 50s it was contact with water and other liquids such as beer and fruit juices that led to the breakage of the telephone. Then there is a good percentage of the over 30s who confessed a truth that is as uncomfortable as it is feared and embarrassing: the fall in the toilet. And if for the most part the impact with water or liquids occurs at home (50%), there are accidents at work (10%) and during holidays by the sea (40%).

To remedy these incidents, the giants of smartphone production have already partially thought of it, which over the years have given life to smarter and more waterproof devices. But if we still don’t have a water resistant device, and we need some further advice, here are some.

An App to… Dry

There are real ones apps developed with the aim of removing water from the phone and cleaning the speakers, reproducing low-frequency sounds that cause more air to be expelled from the speakers. If the mobile has survived contact with water and liquids, among the most downloaded ones appear Speaker Cleaner and Sonic.

When in doubt.. Backup!

Water or no water, better to be safe and not risk losing our memories: an automatic backup will allow you to safeguard any precious data, images and videos. It can be performed both online with cloud services, or offline with external keys and memories, and with this function all personal information will be forever safe.

Not just water… Also pay attention to the temperatures

Especially in summer, another big risk for our device is the high temperature, which risk overheating it and sending it “on tilt”. So, to further protect our smartphone in view of the summer, we avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures and remember about don’t forget it on the beach towel under the sun or on the car dashboard for an extended period.

