5 alarming phrases of second-hand car sellers

Buying a used car is already more complicated than buying a brand new one in a car dealership. The buyer has to look closely at the most unexpected little things, so as not to pay later for inattention, stuck somewhere on a country road 100 kilometers from the nearest service. And it is necessary not only to look closely, but also to listen, Autonews.ru experts believe. Here are five phrases of the seller of “auto secondary”, after which it is worth inspecting the car even more carefully. Or better yet, don’t buy it at all.

“Only my wife went shopping by car”

This explanation can often be heard when selling a fairly old car with very little mileage. Maybe this is true (for example, the car was the second in the family). Or maybe the mileage counter is just twisted on the car. Statistics say that such a “pre-sale” operation is carried out by the owners more than half (!) all used cars in Russia. This can be verified by indirect signs (there are six of them, see Fig. here), service “Autoteka” or computer diagnostics.

“PTSku lost”

Another phrase that may indicate that they want to deceive you. A passport is a passport, and a vehicle passport is no exception. This is the main document that is issued when registering a car, where, in addition to data on the model, VIN number, dimensions, its safety compliance. And besides – all the previous owners. And here’s the problem – the passport was lost. Most likely, the matter is unclean, the car may be pledged, under a loan. And the purity of the transaction between the last owners may be questionable.

“There was only a small crash

It would seem that the seller honestly admits to you that the car once became a participant in an accident. Of course, no one is safe from accidents, even experienced drivers. And yet, after such words, a second-hand car is worth a closer look, most likely, they are said in order to distract you from more serious and hidden damage. Often such a car has a body color changed or airbrushed to hide damage after an accident.

“Just changed the oil”

It turns out that the machine is just like new, right? And here it is not. In fact, these words indicate that the seller did nothing more significant than regular engine oil changes. For example, checking the condition of the machine. So the new owner with a high degree of probability need to do maintenance engine, gearbox, suspension, etc.

“I don’t sell cars to resellers”

Well, after such words, you just need to immediately turn around and leave, no matter how much you like the car and its price. You are deliberately called someone you are not – this means that the seller is trying to manipulate you in advance. For what purpose? Well, for example, to inflate the price or distract from the hidden flaws of the car. Subconsciously, a person begins to make excuses, tries to prove that the seller is wrong and his attention is weakening. Better not deal with this seller!



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