4 Half, on Netflix the Italian comedy about love with Matilde Gioli

ANDis there really a soul mate? We try to give an answer 4 Half, Netflix’s new romantic comedy directed by Alessio Maria Federici. Protagonists Ilenia Pastorelli, Matilde Gioli, Giuseppe Maggio, Matteo Martari. Engaged in a frantic search for love, and the doubts that besiege it.

The question investigates a much debated philosophical theory, a concern of the human imagination for centuries. Not only if there is perfect half of the apple, but also how is it made, if it looks like us or is it our opposite?

4 Half, the plot

A married couple formed by Will be (Marta Gastini) and Luca (Flavio Furno) I put in place the myth of the perfect half of each of us casually meeting at a lunch four single friends. Who will fall in love with whom? Which story will end first? The bet begins.

Matilde Gioli and Matteo Martani in “4 Metà”. (Netflix)

The 4 in question are: Chiara (Ilenia Pastorelli), passionate anesthetist with an infallible instinct (looking for a mature relationship); Giulia (Matilde Gioli), statistics and mathematics for finance (rational and very self-confident); Dario (Giuseppe Maggio) it’s a tombeur de femme lawyer irresistible charm, in reality it is just waiting to fall in love seriously; and finally Matteo (Matteo Martari), a brilliant intellectual who collaborates with a publishing house, always available for others and very ready to play the game.

Opposite or similar souls

Chiara, Dario, Giulia and Matteo are four halves of four possible couples. No one knows what the right match is. And the film intertwines the stories in two possible alternative realities, between doubling, twists and sentimental comparisons. Accompanied by the soundtrack of Daiana Lou.

4 half film plot Netflix Matteo Martani and Ilenia Pastorelli

Matteo Martani and Ilenia Pastorelli. (Netflix)

Sunny and affectionate, Matteo And Clear they seem made for each other. Also Giulia And Dario they have a lot in common, and they could be perfectly together.

Their fate seems to be written as an almost complete puzzle, but it is a pity that even the opposites attract And, as he sang Adriano Celentano in The emotion has no voice “Two different characters catch fire easily”. So that in a second part, Clear stands with Dario And Giulia with Matteo. Will they be able to understand which soul is closest to them?

The myth of Plato

To look for a solution, 4 Half borrows the myth of the hermaphrodite. According to which Zeus divided the creatures into men and women because they were too insolent. Since then, each of us would be in constant search for our own half, and for lost perfection.

Because to escape suffering there is only one way to reunite with the missing part.

4 Half and the game of love

The trump card of Alessio Maria Federici (56K generation and several comedy dramas from Stay away from me to Couples therapy for lovers) is precisely to question the mystery of relationships and encounters between people, in different situations.

4 half film plot Netflix Matilde Gioli and Matteo Martani

Matilde Gioli and Matteo Martani in 4 Halves (Netflix)

The sliding door which lead to knowing someone instead of another. If happiness can be achieved by choosing someone similar, or completely different from us which, however, reveals hidden sides of us.

In search of the perfect half

The game of discovery is supported by sparkling dialogues, and a fast and irresistible action. In a whirlwind where sentimental complexity reigns, confidences, evaluations on open relationships and sudden pregnancies.

The cast.  (Netflix)

And also the betrayals. Escaping the passion to keep the friendship strong, and finally experience the overwhelming passion. Trying to maintain a long-distance relationship. In short, trying to understand the dynamics of the heart.

The moral? Just simply find a half that completes us, and not soul mate. In fact, although affinity exists, no one remains completely himself after a decisive encounter. The possible joints are therefore varied and different, and the correspondences that they work on paper often lose their meaning live.

Light sentimental comedy, Four halves it is also a novel written by Martino Coli, screenwriter of the film. (From 11 January in bookstores for Sperling & Kupfer).



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