4.4 million euros for conflict-free intersections

4.4 million euros for conflict-free intersections

Now 114 of the 329 intersections are conflict-free. There, cyclists and pedestrians can never have a green light together with cars. Making existing intersections conflict-free should lead to a 25% reduction in the number of road deaths by 2025 in the short term.

That says Flemish MP Brecht Warnez, who requested the figures from the Minister of Mobility Lyda Peeters (Open VLD). “In the long run, we want to make all intersections in Flanders conflict-free,” says Brecht Warnez. “Today, 114 of the 329 intersections managed by the Roads and Traffic Agency (AWV) in West Flanders have been modified. We will therefore still have enough work to do in the coming years to achieve our strategic objectives.”


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