30 female photographers from Mar del Plata and their view of reality

“Our own substance” is the title of first sample produced by him Collective Photographers in the World (FEEM), an exhibition dedicated to the gaze, to social reflection and aesthetic appreciation, in which thirty Mar del Plata photographers present their most representative and personal works.

Vera Lecko, Ro Sagardoy, Caro Basi, Patricia Fuentes, Agustina Prior and Mara Sosti are some of the photojournalists and portraitists who exhibit their work, each with their own style and imprint.

“We know about personal efforts, creativity, difficult times and the need to show what each one does. That’s how we started to get to know each other and make ourselves known and that’s how we started to grow creating a community. We take the concepts of Simone (de Beauvoir) as a guide, beacon, light and seed”, he comments. Karina Beltrán, director of FEEM, also in charge of curating the show.

The Fotógrafas En El Mundo initiative emerged in mid-2020 in Mar del Plata, in full preventive and mandatory social isolation, consolidating itself as a virtual community of women photographers and growing rapidly on the different social networks. In August of the same year, they launched the first issue of the digital magazine that aims to publicize the production of professionals and artists around the world, with open and free international calls.

“There are possibilities of making samples in Mexico and Ecuador. There are many groups of women photographers in countries where we did not imagine it. There is always the collaborative proposal to build spaces together. Make visible the work of all women, something that one cannot do alone”, explains Beltrán.

Augustine Prior

The network tackles the problems that affect everyone. situations of bullying, abuse, underestimating their abilities, lack of opportunities to be hired in jobs. “It’s not the same for everyone. There are many who find it more difficult and who do not have a good time in different activities. For this reason, FEEM did not stay in the publication and on social networks. A documentary series of interviews with photographers walking the streets, recounting their vision was carried out. It is a cycle that will spread to different cities and other countries. We are looking for spaces to show more work”, explains the director of Fotógrafas En El Mundo.

Professional women who encourage individual gaze within collective spaces, with the concrete possibility that recognition, talent and production have their space.

The sample is exhibited until February 8 at the Art Gallery of the Directorate of Gender Policies of Mar del Plata (Alberti 1518).

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