2G policy does not seem to be introduced, Kuipers asks Parliament for time

2G policy at a German clothing store. In the Netherlands, the chance of introduction is decreasing further.Image AFP

In view of the current high infection numbers, Kuipers currently sees ‘no need for an early introduction’ of 2G, he wrote in a letter to the House on Tuesday.

With this, the cabinet is responding to the message that coalition party ChristenUnie and GroenLinks will support the motion on Tuesday afternoon that calls on the cabinet to withdraw the bill that should make 2G possible.

This brings in sight a majority that is raising a blockade to only allow vaccinated or corona-cured citizens access to designated locations. The House of Representatives will vote on the motion of SGP and independent MP Pieter Omtzigt on Tuesday afternoon. The PvdA faction is currently meeting whether they will join the call.

But even if the PvdA does not support the motion and is in favor of the bill being discussed, the cabinet cannot count on a majority without the ChristenUnie and GroenLinks in the Senate.


According to Gert-Jan Segers (CU), the tightening of the corona pass leads to ‘exclusion of unvaccinated people from certain places’. He fears that this would lead to divisions. According to the ChristenUnie, the introduction of 2G would also be ineffective. GroenLinks thinks so too. “We do not think it is appropriate at this time,” a spokesperson said. The parties refer to recent research by TU Delft, which shows that 2G currently has a ‘very limited effect’ on the number of infections.

At the same time, it does have a damping effect and can be an instrument to use if the reproduction number drops below 1 again at any time. The government therefore likes to see 2G as a measure that it can keep on hand when it is necessary to deploy.

Further investigation

In response to the TU Delft report, Kuipers wants to have further research done ‘in which specific circumstances a corona ticket based on 2G can be used’. He asks the House to await that investigation first.

ChristenUnie and GroenLinks do not seem to grant the cabinet that time. The ChristenUnie says that although the cabinet can defer the bill, the House is concerned with which proposals they are dealing with. A spokesperson said that the group still wants the 2G law to be withdrawn.

By requesting that the bill be withdrawn, the House is taking an unusual step not to debate the controversial subject. Where the introduction of 2G in society and at many talk show tables leads to fierce discussions, the House seems to avoid that conversation in the national meeting room.


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