2021 Looped offers you a retrospective of your professional year via your calendar

The end of the year is often an opportunity to take stock of the past months, especially professionally. For this, Loop HQ, the specialist in work management, has developed 2021 Looped, a tool that uses the codes of the Spotify retrospective, but business version.

An overview of his year at work

52 weeks a year, 5 days a week, 8 hours a day… We spend more than 2000 hours every year at work. However, one does not always realize how this time has been managed or used. This is where 2021 Looped comes in, which offers a retrospective of his professional year in one click.

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You just have to synchronize the tool with its Google calendar, where each appointment and events is registered. Once this is done, 2021 Looped then delivers valuable statistics on the elapsed time. It allows you to know the month which was the busiest, the number of people met during meetings or other occasion, the time spent concentrating on projects and the number of hours spent in meetings.

On this last point, the tool goes even further and offers additional data: the time spent in meetings with people outside his company, that spent in meetings with his team and the number of hours spent in meetings. with his superiors.

These data make it possible to take a step back on the work carried out throughout the year, and to realize the quantity of projects carried out. They are also very useful for organize your time better in 2022!


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