Zuyd University of Applied Sciences focuses on rapidly changing field of work | 1Limburg

Work is changing rapidly these days. Much is now happening digitally and jobs have also disappeared due to the corona crisis. There are many vacancies, especially in healthcare, technology and education. That is why Zuyd University of Applied Sciences in Roermond is focusing on retraining with a new education and courses.

That is what Luc Verburgh, chairman of the Executive Board of Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, tells on Thursday morning in the Nieuwsshow on L1 radio.

Verburgh notices that the business community and municipalities need training and courses that help with retraining. “Parts with which we respond are digitization, data science and components around care and leadership programs.”

Zuyd University of Applied Sciences is responding to the new government scheme, STAP: a 1000 euro subsidy for people who work and want to learn.

Not only is the training new for Zuyd, but so is the location. “We mainly offered regular programs in Heerlen, Sittard-Geleen and Maastricht. But now we see the demand for retraining also increasing in the middle of the province.”

Guild education
At the new location, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences also focuses on MBO students. A party that helps with this is the Guild Training. “That is for people with an MBO diploma who want to continue their studies, but also for people who have an MBO diploma and are already working but would like to retrain.”
