Zuidlaarders come up with their own plan for PBH site: ‘A lot of support’

Residents of Zuidlaren hope that the newly formed college of the municipality of Tynaarlo will consider their own plans for the Prins Bernardhoeve Terrain. As far as the proposers of the plan are concerned, there is only room for one supermarket on the site and, among other things, housing could be built.

In total there are 34 homes for young and old. In addition, there must be room for culture, sport and nature, explains Rob Wagenborg. He is the resident of the nearby Het Laarwoud estate, the former town hall of Zuidlaren. Wagenborg thinks that two large supermarkets on the site will ‘de-soul’ the village of Zuidlaren.

Wagenborg says that he has read into the history of Zuidlaren and has come to the conclusion that two ‘supermarket colossi’ do not fit into the village image. “I call them castles in the air. Not only because they are so big, but also because online shopping will become increasingly important. Then you will soon be stuck with two gigantic buildings.”

Many parties have now rallied behind the plans of the citizens’ initiative. The Knarrenhof Foundation, the Sounding Board Group Zuidlaren and Biblionet, among others, support the idea. A total of 25 associations have already joined the initiative. “And that could be fifty, if we continue like this,” says Wagenborg.

Wagenborg hopes to speak to more interested parties in the near future. “From the supermarkets to the Zuidlaren entrepreneurs’ association,” he says. “Of the parties that we already have behind us, the non-commercial parties get the first word. Think of sports associations and the IVN.”

The spokesperson for the citizens’ initiative therefore calls it a ‘binding plan’. “The intention is that you get overlap in one area. That culture, nature and sport intertwine. You can imagine that it is easier to take a look at each other. That benefits the vitality in the village.”

According to Wagenborg, the fact that the municipality of Tynaarlo already has a plan for the PBH site (namely with two large supermarkets) does not affect the feasibility of their plan. “I think the timing is perfect. A new coalition is now being worked on and there is no doubt that this area will be discussed. Rarely will there have been a plan in the municipality with so much support. You can hardly object to that. “

The business association in Zuidlaren has now taken note of the new plans. They first discuss this internally and expect to come up with a response later. The municipality has not yet responded. This may only follow when a new college has been formed.
