Zuidlaarder parking operator comes with a ‘pole adhesive fine’ at charging stations

“Yes, that is a difficult one. I have already been called by other parking lot managers about this. We have our own charging stations on which you can set a penalty rate. So we said: if your car is here and it is full, then you have another half hour to move the car, otherwise there will be a fine of five euros. We do this to motivate people to put their car away.”

How has the fine been imposed?

“From the people who park the cars here, I actually only get positive reactions. They understand the problem very well. We also hear back that it is a problem of the car industry itself. Not all apps indicate with a push message that the car is full, so the car sometimes unnecessarily occupies a charging spot.”

How many fines have already been handed out?

“I have not yet handed out fines. I am now handing out flyers to all cars that park here and will start handing out fines in the week of January 15, if necessary.”
