Zuhal Demir lashes out at fellow minister Brouns: “Submit a file without discussion in the government? I shouldn’t try that” | Interior

Flemish Environment Minister Zuhal Demir (N-VA) has strongly criticized her colleague Agriculture Minister Jo Brouns in the Flemish Parliament. According to Demir, the CD&V member has submitted a new Flemish plan for the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to the European Commission without involving her and without first discussing the file in the government. “If I were to do that in the nitrogen dossier, the room would be too small,” said Demir in response to a question from Green MP Mieke Schauvliege.

The way in which Flanders intends to implement the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) – which includes more attention to sustainable agriculture with respect for the environment and climate – came up against criticism from Europe earlier this year. The European Commission doubted, among other things, whether the Flemish intentions make a sufficient contribution to stronger environmental protection, better biodiversity and more climate action. Flanders had to make adjustments and Flemish Minister of Agriculture Jo Brouns had to submit a final plan by the end of this year.

According to Minister Demir, Brouns has now done the same, but the CD&V minister submitted those plans without her being involved. “He simply submitted the CAP to the European Commission. He then forwarded it to the Flemish government,” said Minister Demir. She is clearly ‘not amused’ with this turn of events. “When my services were just testing things for the new manure action plan (MAP7, ed.), the room was already too small,” sneered the N-VA minister.

“Colleague Brouns must decide for himself. If he wants legal certainty for the farmers, then I think it is five past twelve to hear what the objections are from the various services. We will see what comes out of the further consultation. But I think it has come a long way that something like this is first submitted to the European Commission and only then goes to the government. I should do it with the MAP”, says Demir.

Legal uncertainty

“This is very bad and very serious,” responded Green MP Mieke Schauvliege. “This shows that you and Minister Brouns can no longer work together on dossiers related to agriculture, the environment and nature. This will lead to legal uncertainty for farmers and nature,” says Schauvliege.
