Zuckerberg and Musk: tycoon fight

Academic papers on the new masculinities, intellectual debates on gender roles or the challenge of virility as the greatest and best virtue of men… none of this seems to have permeated two of the most powerful men in the world: Elon Musk and mark zuckerberg. The tycoons stage a public showdown to see who has the longest… and that’s not a way of saying. After challenging his opponent to a cage fight in Las Vegas, the Tesla owner used his networks to define Zuckerberg as a “cuckold” and proposed “a contest to measure penises.” The reason for the discussion? The launch of Threadsthe application with which Meta went on the market to compete with Twitter.

Since Musk bought Twitter, the social network that was baptized as the digital agora of the 21st century began to plummet. The problems began before he was acquired, but the reforms imposed by the tycoon deepened the crisis: hate speech worsened at the same time as there was a massive layoff of employees and the departure of important sponsors. And, over the months, many of the changes introduced into the application and announced with great fanfare were rejected by the users themselves.

It was then that Zuckerberg He deduced that it was his moment. For a long time, at Meta they had been working to find a way to occupy that space in the digital universe without much luck. In 2022, Instagram had included “Instagram note”, a function that allowed its users to exchange short messages written in the best style Twitter, But it does not work. With the release of Threads, however, it looks like they’ve finally hit the nail on the head. In the first 24 hours alone, the new app got 30 million subscribers. Just a few days later the figure exceeded 100 million. On Twitter, launched in March 2006, there are an estimated 260 million active accounts.

differences. In technical matters there are several differences between Twitter and Threads. in the network of Zuckerberg posts can have 500 characters and not 280 and users can take advantage of their existing contact base on Instagram (the two applications work linked and what few knew as soon as it was launched is that deleting the account in Threads means remove the one from Instagram). In addition, on the new platform, there are more restrictive security policies on the type of videos and images allowed.

The detractors of Twitter They celebrated the launch and that there is an alternative that tries to combat some of the worst evils of the little bird network, the uncontrolled circulation of fake news and hate speech. If it is effective, if it really manages to appease the violence, it will be something that experts will analyze in the future. If we observe that, based on the security policies on Instagram, a female nipple is recognized as inappropriate content, it becomes clear that not everything is black or white and that the criteria with which these platforms are developed are never objective.

One of the functions that are not present in Threads and what is key in the Twitter experience is, for example, the search for trends. The search engine of the new platform only allows you to search for accounts and not for keywords.

That Threads do not have reading limits was, without a doubt, one of the hooks of the launch. when he showed up, Musk had just announced that Twitter there was going to be a limit on the viewing of tweets and the news had been rejected by a vast majority of users. In the Meta app, the publication of links, photos and videos is not unlimited for unverified accounts either, something that had also been transformed relatively recently into the bird network and that had generated discomfort.

Despite the differences, the interface between the two apps is very similar. In fact, when Zuckerberg reappeared in Twitter After ten years, he tweeted the meme in which two little drawings of Spiderman appear pointing at each other, an image that is used to make jokes between similarities. It is known, in the trajectory of the owner of Facebook, “similar ideas” were always a constant.

Show. According to Forbes’ real-time updated billionaire list, Musk and Zuckerberg they are in the top 10. The owner of Tesla is ranked number 1 and Meta is number 7. Their companies are gigantic and their power spans the entire planet. At a level where the responsibilities and risks are enormous, it is difficult to know if the public appearances of moguls are genuine or if they are part of a virtual show with the typical tone of social networks.

For now, Zuckerberg he responded to Musk to send him the location of the hand-to-hand fight and then, although without making references to Muskshared images where he is seen preparing with the mixed martial arts fighter israel adesanya. Although it may seem incredible, two young and powerful men of the 21st century duel to prove their manhood.

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