Zoosman Gala in Istanbul gives Alba hope for the playoffs, Euroleague – Newsticker

Two days after the weary 64:81 defeat in the Bundesliga against Chemnitz, the heavily weakened Berliners won 66:57 (37:27) at Fenerbahce Istanbul and with their 12th win in the 26th game they are close to eighth place. enough for the playoffs. Yovel Zoosman was the most successful thrower in Berlin with 20 points.

Alba got off to a bad start

Alba had to replace four players in Istanbul. In addition to the long-term injuries Marcus Eriksson and Louis Olinde, there were two more corona cases in captain Luke Sikma and Tamir Blatt. The Berliners got off to a bad start and were quickly 0:7 behind. It was only after almost three minutes that Ben Lammers scored the first points. A total of six turnovers in the first quarter initially prevented them from catching up, before Zoosman was successful three times in three attempts from the three-man line and Alba went into the quarter-break only three points behind at 16:19.

More concentrated than in the first ten minutes, Alba defended better against the hosts and scored quick points with a 27:4 run and a 37:23 lead after 18 minutes. After the change of sides, both teams neutralized each other and only allowed the opponent two points each up to the 25th minute. But thanks to two more threes from Zoosman, Alba was able to extend the lead to 44:31 and went into the last quarter with a ten-point lead (48:38). The hosts braced themselves against the impending defeat with quick points, but Alba held back well in a heated atmosphere.

Source: dpa
